Ask most runners what their favorite piece of gear is, and they will typically say their GPS watch. GPS watches are great, and I like my Coros Watch, but you don't need to wear them for every run. Runs still count even when there is no data, and they aren't uploaded to Strava. Yes, I said it!

Learning to Run:
One of my strongest traits as a runner (at least I think so) is not caring about pace for easy runs. I could run a mile in 8 minutes, 10 minutes, or 12; it doesn't matter. Every week depending on terrain and workouts, I run between 6-21 minutes (yes, really).
I almost always run by feel. The problem with GPS watches is that it's easy to get lost on how you "feel" when staring at a watch.
An 8-minute mile feels different when running in perfect weather versus running in the heat and humidity. You might put the same effort in it, but run a minute or two slower with worse weather, and that's ok.
Instead of relying on a watch, rely on how your feel. Ask yourself: How did I feel? Am I pushing way too hard, easy, or just right? Only you can answer that.
With the GPS boom, we rely on watches that cost hundreds of dollars to tell us how to feel. It boils down to, “Do I feel like I'm pushing too hard or not?”
When I first started running in 2010, GPS watches were still new. For every 100 runners, you might see 5 who owned any sort of GPS watch. Now for every 100 runners, you might see 5 that don't.
GPS Watches aren't Always Accurate:
Certified courses are just that, certified. Just because you ran 26.5 miles at the New York City Marathon doesn't mean the course is long or that your watch is accurate. This study shows why your GPS watch might not be accurate and the factors that can affect it. It's fascinating!
The track is always accurate. If your watch tells you that you finished a 400-meter track interval 50 feet short, guess which is wrong?
In short, GPS watches take a series of data points to calculate where you are. When running on the track (or anywhere), it might not take your exact route.
When You Rely on Your Watch, You Can Lose Confidence:
This happens especially when you're running in bad weather. Most of us have been there: We’ve trained for a race, felt like everything has gone smoothly, only to get to the race starting line with bad weather. Heat? Humidity? Torrential downpour? Wind? Whatever the case is, the weather is bad.
I won't lie to you; it stinks to put in the training, feel great, only to be foiled by the weather!
Then you start your race, only for your watch to beep 30 seconds slower than your goal pace. How could this be? You worked so hard. But remember, there are outside factors that affect racing. Part of running is being adaptable to the uncontrollable factors you might face while out.
Just because your watch beeps one pace doesn't mean that is your fitness.
It's easier said than done, but don't let the watch affect your confidence or dictate your ability as a runner.
Watches Ruin Easy Runs: Who cares about easy runs? Seriously.
When I ran the NYCM in 2018 and was in the sub-elite corral, I got to watch the elites and winners of the warm-up. I watched Des Linden run somewhere around 9 minute pace for her warm-up. I watched the winner, Lelisa Desisa, walk-run to warm up! Yes, walk-run! The winner of the New York City Marathon was walk-running!
Elite runners don't care about their easy run pace and go by feel. If the professional runners aren't worrying about their easy run pace, neither should amateur runners. If there was a positive reason to push your easy run, those who make money in the sport would be taking advantage of it.
Remember this: You don't get an award for running your easy runs too fast. In fact, you actually tire yourself out more and can't work as hard on harder days.
So how can you run without a watch?
Duh, leave your watch at home.
If you must have the data, you can tape over your watch, put your watch in your pocket, or purchase something like a Coros Pod that tells you data after uploading your run. You can also use the Strava app, but I've found it wildly inaccurate, and it once told me I ran half a mile longer than I did.
The Moral of this Newsletter:
Don't become too reliant on your watch. Like anything, there are plenty of factors that can and will affect it. Watches are great tools, but they are just that, tools. Only you can tell how your body feels.
What is Interesting Me:
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The Benefits of Walking for Runners
Running the Mount Diablo Four Peaks Loop One of my proudest running accomplishments!
Visiting a Run Specialty Store What to expect and why it's probably not what you are thinking.
Topo Athletic Phantom 2 Performance Review My first review with the Believe in the Run crew, and I'm really excited to be part of it.
What makes a pro runner valuable to a brand? This is sad. I have many thoughts about social media and running, but it's sad to me that companies will often choose an influencer to promote their product over their own sponsored runners. Brands spend thousands to pay models when they could use that money for their own athletes to model the products. I think it would be relatable to us, the fans!
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As always, stay healthy and safe. Thank you to everyone who reads, shares, and subscribes.
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I like this one! I am slow to adapt to runner tech, from shoes to electronics. Can they make running more fun? Yes. But they don't necessarily make you a better runner. If you are not using (or don't know how to use) the data from your watch to train, it does nothing but make you look good at the group run. Leave it at home once in a while and set yourself free of that running metronome!