If your weather is anything like mine, it's windy. Living in the Mojave Desert, our spring months are super windy. I'm not talking a little breezy; I am talking about seeing our neighbor's trampoline take flight and launch a few houses down. (And yes, that is a new fear unlocked...who knew).
Spring is super windy in the Mojave Desert. The entire last week had no less than 20 mph winds (and keep in mind, there are no tall anythings to block it), and the next week looks about the same. I say this not to complain, but to commiserate. I ran a track workout on Saturday in the wind, whereas Sunday I headed into Santa Clarita (Los Angeles) with a lot less wind for my last 20 miler. My 20 miler went well, and I felt strong the entire time (which is definitely what I needed). Anyway, enough about me, taper time.
Running into the wind is hard, and you can't outrun it. There is gear that helps with weather like rain, ice, and snow, but there isn't much that helps block wind. There is cold weather wind gear that can help when the wind pierces through your clothing, but there isn't gear that will just block the wind.
The key to running into the wind is understanding and adapting to it. There is research from almost 50 years ago (whew) that shares that obviously running into the headwind is taxing with oxygen consumption and performance. But when you get that tailwind, you don't get enough benefit to counteract the headwind. So basically, it is still harder to run with strong winds than having 50% headwind and 50% tailwind.
How can you run better into the wind?
Try the Treadmill:
If you aren't running a race, consider the treadmill. Running into strong winds can take a toll on your body and hinder recovery. Sometimes running on the treadmill is more enjoyable and safer. Yes, you can't control the weather on race day, but sometimes a treadmill run will result in a more quality run than running outside.
If I didn't have any good options for less wind this weekend, I would have done my last 20 miler on the treadmill. I've done 20 milers on the treadmill, especially in Upstate New York weather, and it's not that bad with good TV.
Streamlined Clothing:
With the wind, you don't want things flapping in the wind. Consider getting more streamlined clothing. It can help save energy. Now, I'm not talking miracles here but any small advantage can help. Especially if it's a long run or race. For me, I almost always use spandex and a tighter fitting top. If it's cold, it's important to layer like this to wick away sweat:
Sports bra for ladies.
Base layer: This is a long sleeve tighter fitting shirt that will wick away sweat so sweat doesn't sit on your body and have you feeling cold. Avoid cotton because that causes moisture to stay close to your body and can result in feeling colder.
Outer Layer: This is your wind-resistant jacket that will prevent the piercing wind from going straight to your core.
Leggings/Pants: There are plenty of options these days and some leggings also have wind paneling to keep you feeling even warmer.
Maintain Proper Form:
This is something a lot of people don't realize, but maintaining proper form and not tensing up helps save energy. When you get tense, you are using that muscle almost 100% of the time, and you are going to be more sore later. You're also wasting energy, and running is just going to feel generally harder because you are working harder to stay tense. Take 5 seconds each mile to evaluate yourself. Are you clenching your arms or jaw? Are you staying upright and relaxed? Focus on staying relaxed.
Lean Into the Wind:
Seriously, why would you want to do that? Leaning into the wind can make you more streamlined and prevent drag. Essentially, you are working less for the same pace.
Change Your Goals:
You simply cannot outrun the wind. Change your goal to effort-based versus an exact number. You can't run your fastest every day, but you can run your best every day.
Change Your Route:
Consider finding a route that does not go completely into the headwind for miles at a time. Something I like to do is run small loops. I've found I'm never running into the wind for more than 1/2-full mile. If you can, try to start your run into the wind. There is not much worse than doing the final miles into a headwind.
Draft off Others:
But seriously, don't be rude. No one wants you running a step behind them the entire time. Find a big pack, or if you choose to draft off a single person, let them draft off you. Consider running slightly easier than your goal race pace if it means finding a large pack to run with.
I found this research about wind and running to be super interesting. 20 mph winds can add a full minute per mile to your time.
Anyway, wind is hard. It's hard for everyone, but by changing your goals and mindset, you're able to have to productive and "good" runs.
Share some tips you've found to help you when running on windy days.
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Great article! You've made me feel better about shelling out for a tight fitting onesie for my Half Marathon now!