LOLZLetter 305 | Fitness for All: Why We Should Celebrate, Not Criticize, New Gym Members & Runners
Welcome, and happy almost New Year,
This isn’t your typical New Year’s resolution post listing my own goals.
It’s not a post about how I don’t believe in resolutions either. I do...when the time is right. If setting New Year’s resolutions keeps you motivated, that’s awesome. There is something refreshing about a near year and new goals.
And let’s be real, there are plenty of resolutions beyond just “lose X pounds” or “get fitter.” My New Years resolution this year is likely going to be to not buy any new clothing. Since reading about how Zara makes 450 million new pieces of clothing per year, I've realized, man we live in a disposable world. Anyway,
But if I had to sum this post up, it would be:
Stop being a jerk to people who show up at the gym on January 1st.
Every year, I hear friends say they want to hit the gym more. Or start running. Or try a new sport. And that’s great...I’m happy for them!
But I also hear friends complain about “resolutioners” taking up space at the gym. I get it. A crowded gym can be annoying when you’re waiting for a machine...especially if it's your "favorite treadmill".
Here are a few of the complaints I’ve seen:
The gym is packed. No room for me!
I hate waiting for equipment.
I can’t wait for these people to quit.
Why even bother? They won’t last anyway.
Let’s be honest...those comments are rude.
Everyone at the gym pays for the same membership. No one is more entitled to the equipment just because they’ve been going longer. If someone “gets in your way” that much, maybe it’s time to buy some home equipment.
And yeah, the stats show most resolutions don’t stick. But even if only 8% of people keep them, that’s still more than zero.
Everyone started somewhere. Even you, we were all new runners once.
I remember the first time I went to the gym alone. It was at the YMCA, and even though it was mostly the older crowd, I felt like I didn’t belong. I hopped from machine to machine for about five minutes each, convinced everyone was judging me. They weren’t.
Judging someone for their fitness level is pathetic. It’s like judging someone for their follower count.
Starting something new is when people feel the most self-conscious. It’s like that awkward moment when someone doesn’t want to follow you back because you only have five followers. Silly, right?
Was that person laughing? Must be at me.
Are they talking? Definitely about me.
As you head into the New Year, remember, you don’t have to be all about resolutions. But for the people who are, maybe cut them some slack. Some will quit, sure. But some will stick with it.
Think back to when you started your fitness journey. Instead of getting annoyed at new people, cheer them on. Publicly shaming someone for trying isn’t it.
Finally, don’t post photos of people at the gym without their consent. Making fun of someone for showing up is never okay. Imagine how you’d feel if someone did that to you.
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