LOLZLetter Edition 45 | A Last Minute Gift Giving Guide
Happy Holidays! Hopefully, you’re off or this is your last full day of work for the week. If not, hopefully, you’re able to get some time off soon – even if just in the nick of time to get your holiday shopping done!
Those of you who are already off: have you gotten your holiday shopping done? If you’re anything like me, you probably wait until the last minute to do your holiday shopping. This doesn’t always work out in the best way for me, given that I work in retail and usually have to travel to see my family.
This year, I was forced to get my shopping done early. (And by early, I mean yesterday - literally, I got all of my holiday shopping done on Sunday). If you think about it, it's still four days before Christmas – in my books, that’s early.
This week’s newsletter is going to be slightly different. It's the first newsletter that isn't running focused (and maybe the only one).
I’m sure you have enough stress in your life between the shopping, cooking, and traveling.
But let’s face it, most of your family members probably aren’t runners. (In fact, you might have started running just to get some” you time” away from them). So, this week, I’m coming to you with some holiday gift ideas that can be of interest to anyone, runner or not.
So, You waited until the Last Minute to Buy your Loved One a Gift?
Imagine the following scenario:
You're heading home or away for the holidays. You realize you’ve bought gifts for all of your immediate family: sisters, brothers, parents, children, kids...but you forgot about Great Aunt twice removed Sue, who you met once after having a few cocktails last season. What do you do?! You’re already en route to the family so spending hours at Target to find the “perfect gift” for Great Aunt Sue, isn’t an option.
Here are some Awesome Gifts You Can Buy in the next 24 Hours that Everyone is Guaranteed to Use:
(Maybe even on Christmas at your local drug store...)
Socks: Most people need socks just as much as underwear. Since it’s awkward to buy someone underwear…stick with socks. You might not want to learn someone’s underwear preference.

Here are a few tips:
Above age 60: usually prefer cotton tube socks.
Between age 20-60: prefer no show socks.
Under age 19: prefer two different socks that don't match.
Cat Owners: Prefer socks with cats on them.
Towel: Most people shower. Logically, after taking a shower, you must dry off. A towel is an excellent way to do that. Heck, you can even personalize and glitter gun the towel if you are the crafty type. Or gift it to them in a towel animal form as they do on cruise ships – Fun and functional!

Tweezers: Tweezers are one of the most universal items out there!

Do you have an emergency eyebrow hair in the way?
Do you have to tweeze out a splinter?
You never know when those guys will come in handy.
Calendar: Since most people have their personal planner preference (or none at all), it’s wise to go with a wall calendar. The last thing you want is to give someone a planner they won't use – especially since they can’t be recycled year to year. But calendars, someone could hang in each room of their house!

I recommend sticking with a plain calendar because you don’t really ever know how much someone likes cats (obviously anyone who doesn’t is weird).
Finally, if you have a day to be crafty, another recommendation is making a personalized calendar. Take 12 selfies, get them printed out and paste them on a printed calendar of your choice. Be warned: this is a bit more work and you’ll wonder how much you really like Great Aunt Sue but she’ll love it. Bonus: You'll look crafty too!
If all else fails, go for the Gift Card: I get it…you want the receiver to unwrap something. So wrap the gift card in the biggest packing box you can find, throw some tissue paper in you’ll be fine. They unwrap something under the tree, and you don’t have to worry about a return. Alternative options include putting a 20 dollar bill inside a box but hoping it doesn’t somehow get lost.
Bonus: If they are the parents of cats, or small kids, or cats, their children can play in the boxes. Double gift giving!
Selfishly, if you want to gift a gift to me, you can share the newsletter.
On that note, have a Happy Holidays.
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Giveaway Winner:
The winner of the Yaktrax is Sarah L who shared on Facebook. Thank you to everyone who shared.
If you have any comments, you can email me at All feedback is helpful!

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