I'm a runner, cyclist, triathlete, and I'm also old enough to remember "the good old days" when we had to cut our own race lane in the ice before starting the first triathlon of the season, walked uphill both ways to school, etc.. A few weeks ago I participated in the "last" IMCanada in Penticton, where the swim was shortened, lengthened, then cancelled outright due to the combined air/water temperature.

Am I disappointed, sure. Was it something I had control over, nope.

Totally agree that race directors, officials, volunteers, are all out there for our safety, first and foremost. The risk-climate has changed; race insurance has changed. Given the tragedies of IM Ireland, Lake Placid... there's a list somewhere, I'm sure... these decisions are hard to make, hard to swallow. You wanna do something about it? Better be fully informed before stepping up to that plate!

Wanna complain? Sure, find yourself a sympathetic shoulder. Wanna threaten someone? Go report yourself to the nearest police station, dumba$$. Ain't nobody else got time for that nonsense.

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As a runner since HS 1970-1974 now old and still running with a new hip . But slowwwww…. I never understood the new old runner . If they shortened a race or canceled a race back in the day we would be great !! I don’t have to race today and would then go out and get a long run in ;))) Today there are way too many things that runners don’t need for a run . Put on ya shoes and go out your front door without your phone or watch or gels or water or directions of where to run and for how long . Go run.

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I think you're on to something here. Running used to be one of many things runners did as part of a full life. There wasn't the obsession with data, the need to be constantly improving, the lack of taking risks for fun, etc. But many runners are so hyper focused on their running that they don't know what to do when things don't go according to their plan... causing them to respond even with anger.

Some of my favorite runners aren't just fast, they're also happy... because they have fun while running, enjoy the company of others, have interests outside of running (yes, life can continue even during an injury), and don't take themselves too seriously.

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